What does our volunteer board actually do?

What Your Volunteer Board Does

By: Your Volunteer Board

Here are some facts about VECA and the Board:

  • Your volunteer board is made up of resident volunteers who are good standing with VECA. The Board meets formally once a month (all residents are welcome) and holds working sessions when necessary, usually about once a month. There are also conference calls and email.
  • There are very clear rules on what the Board is (and is not) responsible for and what it can and cannot do. They are outlined in our covenants as well as in the GA Not For Profit Code. It is illegal to go against them. For example:
  • What's InWhat's Out
    Ensuring that VECA is fiscally sound, managing an operating budget and ensuring that there is enough money reserved to cover capital expensesResident security and protection of personal property
    Responsibility for maintaining VECA assets, amenities, and detention ponds to the standard to which they are intendedEnforcement of city, state and local laws
    Ensuring that bylaws, covenants and guidelines are upheld by everyone in the communityEditing the bylaws and covenants without a vote of the residents or neglecting to maintain an amenity
  • VECA’s largest operating expenses include property management, pools, and landscaping.
  • Our professional community manager ensures that things run smoothly and that your volunteer board is equipped with best practices and knowledge to make decisions.
  • Our HOA attorneys works with us to ensure that we are in federal and state compliance on things like detention ponds, dues collection, and resident interactions.
  • Members of VECA share ownership and liability of all VECA assets, which is why it is important to keep them safe, enforce the rules, and get involved.
  • All residents are encouraged to view governing documents. Meeting minutes are published in the newsletter. The annual budget is available on the VECA website. The Capital Asset Plan, financials and official Reserve Study by appointment with the property manager.
  • VECA has 42 common areas and three large amenity areas and 6 ponds. The Board regularly inspects them and is responsible for their maintenance and upkeep.
  • The VECA newsletter produces income for the association. The company who manages it pays VECA for the right to send it out with their advertisements in it. All VECA residents are invited to submit articles. The guidelines are in the newsletter.
  • There are many decisions the board cannot make on it’s own. Ex. Your board has a responsibility to seek professional opinions and recommendations when necessary.
  • Board positions are held for two years and candidates are elected to the Board as a whole, not to a position. After elections each year, the Board meets and privately determines who will take each office. The offices are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Member at Large. This encourages fresh faces.